
Case Studies


Sheffield Hallam University was founded in 1843 and strives to be one of the world’s leading applied universities. 该大学不断发展壮大,以支持各种专业的学生. From design, 艺术和教育对科学的影响, technology, engineering and a business school; over 50,000 students today are taking advantage of a university steeped in tradition that also has a futuristic outlook in preparing them for successful and rewarding careers upon graduation.

支持学生社区和它的5,000 staff members, spread over two campuses, the Sheffield Hallam IT department is also forward thinking in its strategic plans to ensure that its technology platform can evolve and function at its best. Higher education today is no longer bound to a physical campus which makes the IT department a critical component, 提供网络性能以支持不断变化的教育过程.

University Details :

  • 50,000+ students
  • 5,000 staff members


  • Entuity Network Analytics

Entuity Customer Since:

  • November 2000

The Challenge
该大学希望从一个综合大楼精简其网络管理, 昂贵的一体化管理解决方案, 易于使用且成本较低的软件产品. Their requirements also necessitated providing for legacy device management as well as new technologies that will keep the University on the cutting edge. 随着大学的扩大, it was also vital to reduce the risk of service outages so that students and staff could expect and rely on a digital environment to meet their online learning needs 24/7.


The Solution
提供优秀的学生和员工的用户体验, the Sheffield Hallam University IT Organization chose Entuity Network Analytics (ENA) — a flexible, 降低停机风险的一体化产品, 紧跟新技术并降低拥有成本. In addition, the ease of use and enterprise scalability of ENA makes it ideal for multi-campus deployments.

The Results
The SHU network team continually shows the ENA Event View on their NOC dashboard screen. Both the network team and operations team have access which facilitates complete 24/7 management coverage for any network issues. Proactive monitoring is woven into ENA and is set up for key personnel to receive automatic email notifications when issues arise. 这有助于为更快的解决方案提供快速的洞察力, 24小时支持的必需品, always-on students.

Richard Lester, 谢菲尔德哈勒姆的一位网络工程师, 使用事件监视来跟踪添加到网络中的新设备. Richard说:“我发现它对监控交换机的端口非常有用. 它能让我看到我们是否有任何需要关注的中断. In fact, 我们已经为一些有问题的交换机设置了配置规则, so when they are disabled, 它们会自动返回. 我们可以使用ENA来判断哪些是不正常的,以及它们执行不正常的频率.” These analytics provide accurate data to help them make the best decision–does it makes sense to pull out and replace poor performing switches or does it mean only further adjustments have to be made to make the switches operate effectively. Without key analytics the decision making process is a haphazard guess and is detrimental to all of IT.

Entuity Network Analytics is able to aid in capacity planning for SHU for their rollout of new switches being deployed in new classrooms and labs. According to Lester, “Entuity has been valuable in helping us implement these new rollouts minimizing the risk of poor performance. 我得到关于有多少许可证正在使用的报告, 交换机的性能如何, 所有这些都确保了我们的选民不会受到不利影响.” Once the switches are live, further adjustments can be made to fine-tune devices to make the most of Sheffield Hallam’s investment in new capital equipment.

Like most departments, transparency is important and being able to generate IT reports for internal University requests is essential. “For example, 高级管理层需要网络资产清单来进行预算和资产管理, 定制的ENA报告可以自动为我们生成这些详细信息,” states Lester. “我们知道数据是准确的, and the report takes minutes to run which allows the report to be sent almost as soon as they request it.”

他们一贯使用的另一份报告是CRC报告, 哪一个例子说明了丢包会导致性能不佳. Prior to ENA, it needed drawn out, 手动理解导致此问题的原因并查明问题所在的工作. Today, SHU运行一个报告来查看网络上哪里发生了CRC错误, 这显示了要处理的区域. “It’s often a case where fiber cables need to be replaced or traffic is moved to another switch. I look at this report weekly and can get advance visibility to head off problems before any staff members complain of network slowness.” This type of proactive management is vital in preserving network service levels for exceptional end-user performance throughout their multiple campuses.

Automation of network management has two main outcomes – it removes the burden of tasks and workloads from the IT staff, 所以他们可以变得更有创造力, 它提高了他们的网络数据的准确性. “在使用ENA之前,网络拓扑图是手工绘制的. 这有可能导致意外的坏数据或完全丢失设备, 此外,网络不是静态的——它总是在变化. Now using Auto-Discovery in ENA, I can schedule it to run automatically every few months. It saves me lots of time and I’ve even caught rogue switches that were added to the network without our knowledge, 哪些因素会增加业绩脱轨的可能性,” describes Lester. Networks are complex, and the SHU IT staff rely on ENA to provide the analytics to make better decisions that move network performance to outstanding levels.

Solving IP traffic gridlock & 了解其对网络十大赌博正规老平台使用的影响
ENA NetFlow
ENA NetFlow capabilities allow Sheffield Hallam’s IT team to see if network IP traffic is congested, 交通从哪里来,往哪里去, 以及产生了多少流量. Supporting today’s network with its critical IP applications such as VoIP and Video Conferencing, NetFlow的分析有助于了解性能问题所在. NetFlow分析塑造了未来的网络规划, isolate security issues, 提供“拒绝十大赌博正规老平台”监控, 以及基于使用情况的网络计费. 它能够提供有关网络用户和应用程序的信息, 峰值使用时间和性能数据. As SHU expands its network, they are looking to make extensive use of Entuity Network Analytics and ENA NetFlow giving them even more insight for Capacity and Availability planning processes.

“We just pulled out of all our analog phones and replaced the entire system with VoIP service,” states Lester. 这是一个将语音使用整合到网络中的大项目. In the future, the IT Team hopes to add wireless management into ENA and get even more value from the product. VoIP requires specialized metrics to track voice jitter and traffic patterns to ensure voice quality is equal to the land line phones that were replaced. SHU also will have to monitor bandwidth to make certain that enough capacity/headroom is available to accommodate the two campus’ voice calls. “ENA is going to continue to equip us with valuable techniques for new technologies that will keep Sheffield Hallam on the forefront of IT technology. We will be prepared to support our students and faculty in their academic careers in the years to come.”

About Entuity
拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. Our highly automated, unified, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.