Sustainability and ESG
Park Place Technologies’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) success is measured by what we do and how we do it.
ESG results are increasingly a measure of a company’s performance. 环境管理是应对气候影响所必需的一块拼图,现在正在立法. Social engagement is key to hiring, developing and retaining the people who set us above our industry peers. Proper governance is synonymous with quality leadership and risk reduction, which makes Park Place a high performer, a stable platform for our employees, and a trusted partner to our customers.
Our Business—Customer Sustainability
From our founding in 1991, Park Place has worked to help our customers extend the life of data center computer equipment. Since that date, the scope and scale of data centers has exploded, with Park Place growing in step with our customers, 继续提供数据中心硬件维护十大赌博正规老平台,并通过网络和硬件监控和分类十大赌博正规老平台扩展支持. 我们的影响一直是延长电脑设备的使用寿命,现在平均三年跨越1年以上.1 million hardware assets.
In 2020, Park Place acquired the Curvature hardware resale business. 曲率为我们的客户提供了从二手市场增加和更换设备的资源. In 2021, individual equipment sales by Curvature exceeded 450,000 units, with each individual unit sale saving manufacturing and equipment disposal impacts, estimated at 950,000 pounds, on our environment.
Park Place continues to innovate, 开发免费的解决方案,以配合我们的硬件维护和二手硬件销售. ParkView Hardware Monitoring, underpinned by our First-Time Fix™ Guarantee, pinpoints break-fix needs and allows us to resolve customer issues in one trip. Park Place’s data center efficiency solutions, including Entuity network monitoring, ParkView Discovery and managed services support, negate excess redundancies in equipment and premature refresh of IT systems, meaning that customer equipment is utilized to its maximum potential for its maximum life.
Every Park Place employee believes we are a company that has met its moment. We have the opportunity to make a positive difference with each service and equipment sale, enabling our customers and communities to conduct their business more sustainably.
Our Company—Corporate Responsibility
At Park Place, 我们相信,我们有责任以十大赌博正规老平台所有主要利益相关者的方式,成为商业行为的榜样. Our employees expect nothing less. This means that we turn inward and make environmental stewardship a daily activity at Park Place, 我们为个人创造机会,让他们在一个相互尊重的环境中发展事业,养活自己和家人. It means that we conduct business in a manner with legal compliance, public policies and the ethics and values of the populations with whom we work as the standard. It also means that we preemptively negate risks, such as data breach and cybersecurity risks.
We have enlisted our Board of Directors, 我们在全球的高层领导和员工都参与到我们的ESG计划中来,并采取日常措施,为我们的工作场所和员工体验带来可衡量的改善, our communities, and our environment. These efforts share common themes. They are deliberate, forward looking and impactful. We hold ourselves accountable for progress and work to measure the impact of each effort. 我们希望通过以身作则,产生积极的影响,并使企业责任蔓延开来.
Social Initiatives
Park Place has long worked to establish a global baseline of fair compensation, generous benefits, equal opportunity, and an inclusive environment. 我们定期完成第三方薪酬和全球福利评估,并开展年度员工评估和年度敬业度调查. We are an intentional equal opportunity employer, sponsor business resource groups, a DEI program, “Dimensions,” and have multiple employee communication opportunities, including a daily intranet site, leadership “town halls”, and podcasts. These are in addition to our online employee learning platform, which hosts over 450 active courses, many part of specially designed developmental curricula. 我们还通过年度利润分享计划,将公司的成功与员工的成功等同起来, in place for more than a decade.
Park Place has a history of community outreach. At the global level, we have partnered with I Wish, 这是一家总部位于爱尔兰的组织,致力于向女中学生展示STEM的力量. Most recently, we co-hosted more than 22,000 girls from 26 countries at the I Wish annual event. Community by community, we help Girl Scouts earn cybersecurity badges in Ohio; support campers in Massachusetts with scholarships to Worcester Polytechnic Institute; lend our hands to England’s Future Frontiers, and locally in our headquarters community with Breakthrough Schools and other school programs, to foster educational equality through mentoring and support; promote annual philanthropic giving to numerous community and child-focused programs; and donate laptops to schools and charitable organizations, providing coding opportunities to students.
Our company culture is one of relentless innovation, so the natural next question is, “What more can we do?“我们的团队正在着手实施其他举措,我们相信这些举措将改变公园广场的游戏规则,并为加入我们组织的个人提供机会. These include:
CAREER COHORTS – our employees have the talent, motivation and motor to serve as leaders at Park Place, so we have built a multi-faceted program to provide hands-on, in depth, 跨职能的教学和支持,以明确的目标推动每个项目参与者在他们的职业道路上走两步或更多步,并成为关键的领导角色.
VETERAN HIRING INITIATIVE – we are taking steps to become a destination employer for Veterans. 我们在整个公司都有机会,对于这个职位来说,最主要的条件是有精力和承诺去学习和成功. Our recruiting actively targets the Veteran community. We have created a business resource group specifically for our Veterans, one of the most active employee affinity teams at Park Place.
NEURODIVERSE/AUTISM INTENTIONAL HIRING INITIATIVE – still in the exploratory stage, Park Place的这一举措旨在成为我们行业中第一个关注神经多样性人群的独特才能,并创造一个工作环境,通过为以下人员提供工作和职业机会来吸引顶尖人才, absent an intentional program with the right supports, may be overlooked.
Environmental Initiatives
Park Place’s environmental stewardship within our organization is captured by the common phrase, “a million little things.“这说明了公司和我们的员工每天都在做什么,以及我们明年和以后的计划.
柏苑的专业十大赌博正规老平台ITAD团队拆卸所有客户的IT系统,并按照电气和电子设备废物(WEEE)标准进行文件处理. Curvature Hardware maintains its R2 (Responsible Recycling) Certification, which is the standard for best practices for electronics recycling.
A walk through any of our offices reveals individual and common-space recycling bins, energy-efficient lighting, and motion-activated switches. Our service locations are the hub of our electronics recycling programs and scrap management. In our parking lots, 41% of our employees have access to electric vehicle charging stations, the majority funded by Park Place, with plans to expand in 2023.
目前正在计划在2023年增加太阳能电池板,为我们的一个或多个主要地点提供电力. In addition to this alternative energy source, 公园广场跟踪全球能源消耗,并设定了2023年能源消耗减少10%的目标.
To build on the above, Park Place is exploring carbon net-neutral programs and certifications, with the expectation that our efforts to date, combined with the commitment of our leadership and each of our employees, will allow us to hit this target within the next 3-to-5 years.
Governance Initiatives
At Park Place, 治理被视为我们的董事会和高级领导人如何指导组织满足优先事项, manage risk, preserve reputation and honor company ethics and values. The governance arm of our ESG program oversees value-based, measurable, 跟踪和报告将商业行为和公司利益相关者的集体利益结合起来的绩效标准.
Our governance mandate includes legal compliance, examples being our data privacy compliance program; antibribery/anticorruption policies; training and monitoring; and our export and import compliance controls. It also includes Park Place risk-management programs, such our Business Continuity Plan, Employee Hotline, employee cybersecurity training, published policy library, and supplier vetting protocols and code of conduct. 公园广场已经采取了与顶级行业标准保持一致的额外步骤,并获得了ISO 9001 EMEA质量管理体系, 全球ISO 27001信息系统管理和托管十大赌博正规老平台SOC2数据安全认证.
Our Board of Directors, 管理人员和高级领导对组织的商业成功负责, 进一步承诺以透明和诚实的方式向员工传达公司业绩,并授权员工为组织的成功做出贡献. In addition to profit-sharing, Park Place has an expansive equity participation program. Quarterly executive-led company-wide townhalls supplement our daily intranet, “WIRED”. 年度员工敬业度调查包括管理层跟进和向组织最高层报告.
Park Place’s ESG initiative is a continuous improvement mandate. We take pride in the work we have accomplished to date and the company we are, 我们期待着让我们的利益相关者感到惊讶,并在明年及以后继续为我们的企业同行树立榜样.